Customer profiling is what gives email marketing its high return. The more you know about the customers on your email lists the more you can target them. It is not just a case of knowing what type of offers they are likely to respond to. It is just as important ensuring you do not make them click the unsubscribe button.
Identifying the customers who are of most value to you is not just a case of adding up how much they have bought. In email marketing you need to know what they buy, how often, individual values of each purchase as well at the total. And that is just the basics. Once your email lists expand you will need to sort customers into lots of individual email lists.
Let us take one customer, the type beloved by all those engaged in email marketing. They buy items of high value infrequently, perhaps once a year. The profit is high and as the product is reliable there are few additional on-costs. Variations in postage and weather cause you, and your customer, no problems, and they return the following year for a replacement. You will, no doubt, place this person on your gold email list, and quite rightly.
They are the perfect customer and you can all but ignore them – but you will not. Email marketing is about realising the full potential of every customer on your email lists.
You must take care though. A high value customer should not be risked for the sake of a few extra pounds. So create a plan and stick with it.
Look at others who have bought the same product. Is there a set life expectancy? If so, some time before replacement is due how about a very cheap offer of a peripheral. For instance, if you sell cameras where the pace of development means that they become out of date after two years, then at 18 months why not send them a bargain offer of memory cards or something similar, emphasising it is as a reward for their loyalty?
Email marketing allows you to offer loss leaders to those on your gold email list and no other. This will bring your name to their attention just before they consider buying a replacement and the bargain peripheral will remain in their mind. When you send them the offer of the latest, buzzing, must have camera, they will be leaning your way.
Look for triggers to warn you that it is time to consider the new marketing email. For instance, one customer on your gold email list seeking a quote might be a false alarm but if two or three do then this should be taken as notification of the time to prepare. Email marketing software will tell you which customer bought the previous product first.
Other triggers might be a visit to the fault-finding page on your website, or a call to your servicing department. If your product requires regular servicing then get your engineers to notify you if an object is nearing the end of its useful life. Other triggers could be fashion, tax changes or new legislation.
A high value customer needs looking after, but then so do your sales figures. Email marketing allows you to realise both.