If you have experienced dry skin, you will know how uncomfortable and embarrassing it can be. The tight feeling of the skin can lead to cracking and general itchiness. Here are a few tips to help you keep your skin healthy and avoid dry skin conditions.
First and foremost, you should get yourself into a skin moisturizing routine. Everyday, after you morning shower, apply moisturizer to your skin. Never apply moisturizer to unwashed skin, as this only locks in the dirt.
Depending on what type of day you have had, for example if you have been physically active, you may wish to have another shower at the end of the day and another application of moisturizer. Or perhaps just an additional application of moisturizer to the face and neck area.
You may also wish to consider trying a skin cream which is supplemented with vitamin E, as this is extremely beneficial to skin health as vitamin E plays a big role in keeping skin cells healthy and structurally sound.
Next moving on to the diet. Healthy skin requires a healthy diet. You need to make sure that your diet contains all the important food groups in order to achieve optimum nutritional status. This includes protein foods such as meat, eggs and fish (oily fish is particularly good), carbs such as, pasta, rice and potatoes, fats in the unsaturated range which take the form of olive and vegetable oils and lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.
Finally, in order for the body to enjoy full health and therefore for the skin to be healthy and to avoid issues such as dry skin conditions, we need to include exercise in everyday life. Even if this means just an additional 30 minutes of brisk walking each day or the equivalent, or perhaps two or three times a week enjoying your favorite sport or exercise for an hour or so. This will help blood circulation and help deliver the nutrients to where they are required in the body.
By following the above factors, you will also find that your mental health is good which also impacts on the skin with less stress and the ability to enjoy a good nights sleep.