Recently, the devs released a teaser for POE 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur, which is about some delicate quality of life changes. But here, we’re going to focus on the new Nightweave Robe in the teaser, its Aura changes, and what that might mean.
Base Stats And Comparisons For Nightweave Robe
First up, this is a brand new Energy Shield Base Type of Body Armour that looks to be coming to the next league.
If you look at the base stats here, it might be hard to understand how crazy Nightweave Robe is, so here we’ll take a look at how this compares to other POE items.
Vaal Regalia here is the highest Energy Shield Body Armour Base Type in the game right now. It now has Energy Shield between 171 and 197, an Item Level of 68, and an Intelligence requirement of 194.
Nightweave Robe is an absolute monster in comparison. It has Energy Shield between 227 and 260, its Item Level is 10 levels higher at 78, and it requires 250 Intelligence to equip it. It has a pretty ridiculous Energy Shield for a Body Armour Base Type. On top of that, its maximum roll for Energy Shield is 260, which is 32% more than Vaal Regalia’s maximum roll of 197, which is absolutely insane.
If you want to get this item early in the league, be sure to buy POE Currency, it will open up more possibilities for your build!
How To Apply Nightweave Robe To Other Equipment?
We know this item will most likely be in the game in Path of Exile 3.25, the developers revealed it for some reason. We don’t know if it will be a core item in the game, if it has something to do with the league mechanics, or if it’s more likely to just be a normal Base Type.
While it doesn’t look like anything special in the game, it just looks like a new Base Type, but that in itself is very interesting. I think what we can do is make some assumptions, so let’s take a look at this.
What if we get this new base for other defense types? Its super high Energy Shield is absolutely coveted. What if we get a new Evasion Body Armour, which has a similar amount of Evasion increase compared to this Nightweave Robe?
And right now the highest Evasion Base is Zodiac Leather, which has an Evasion rating between 854 and 982. If we apply this 32% Evasion to that armor, we would have a Base Evasion of 1,296, which is absolutely insane.
And then if we do the same thing with Armour, then what happens to you? Let’s look at Strength Base Type and sort by armour. We have Glorious Plate, that powerful Body Armour that rolls up to 892 Armour. If we apply the 32% Armour increase to the potential new Base Type, Base Armour would be 1,177.
Aura Changes
Before we move on to any quality of life changes and any buffs and nerfs, there is one very important thing we need to focus on: Aura changes. I believe that in another previous trailer, many people paid attention to the changes to Determination.
The new Determination retains 26.04% of mana and a +2.1m radius, both of which are currently available in the level 22 version of Determination. However, disappointingly, the flat armor bonus of the new Determination is only half of what the level 22 version provides. This suggests that Determination is being nerfed.
I’m guessing we’ll see the same thing with Grace, and maybe even changes to Discipline as well. However, I think what we’re seeing here is probably the idea of GGG buffing based defenses by making the defense on the gear more important. Then when you actually run Aura for that specific defense type, you’ll get more out of that multiplier.
For example, if you have an extra 1,500 or 2,000 base defense on your gear, you’ll get more out of that 50% multiplier when you actually equip Aura, rather than having people just cast Aura and get a bunch of armor with that Aura alone. Doing that, you’ll have more incentive to actually equip armor gear, and then build armor with Determination Aura.
What’s The Impact?
With Nightweave Robe, though, we can go back to that idea. Maybe we won’t get a new Body Armor Base Type for each different defense type. Maybe they’ll just use Energy Shield because right now in the game, even characters who invest a lot of POE Currency rarely actually use full Energy Shield gear. They often use hybrid gear because hybrid gear is so powerful, especially in Evasion Energy Shield gear.
As we all know, Body Armour is pretty powerful right now because of Spell Suppression, so I’m guessing this might just be an Energy Shield item and incentivize players to build Energy Shield items instead of choosing hybrid items.
I think this makes a lot of sense. If they’re making Aura changes where they’re removing flat Auras, then it would make more sense for them to actually buff the base defense of items to incentivize you to build these things.
All in all, this is a super interesting change, and that’s all I know about this Nightweave Robe Base Type. I can’t wait to see if they have more new Base Types.
One other thing I’m guessing they might do with this, though, is to move pre-existing unique items to new Base Types to buff those items by giving them more base defense. It’s unknown what the changes will be. Let’s wait and see!